The Blank Check Pod (if you don’t listen, start listening) released their 2023 World Cup Bracket on twitter this am. I’m going to break it down because I’m already far too invested and can’t resist, starting with the top left region. Here’s the full bracket for reference.
1) Peter Jackson vs. (8) Pablo Larraín
The Pick: Peter Jackson
There’s really no need to dive into this one too deep. Jackson’s Lord Of The Rings trilogy is going to be a tough hurdle to get over for any opponent. Larrain has solid work, but he might be the 32 seed of the entire bracket. The Chilean filmmaker’s run ends before it starts, but I’d bargain the best is yet to come from Larraín.
(4) Park Chan-wook vs. (5) Steve McQueen
The Pick: Park Chan-wook
McQueen runs into a tough 4 seed with Park. 12 YEARS A SLAVE, SHAME, WIDOWS, HUNGER, and the Small Axe collection is enough to challenge just about any modern director; but the combination of Park’s longevity and the height of his peak work should be enough to get him to round 2. McQueen can blame the draw.
(3) Sergio Leone vs. (6) Mira Nair
The Pick: Sergio Leone
Very intriguing matchup for Leone, who’s The Dollars Trilogy and the Once Upon a Time Trilogy are as sturdy a foundation of films as any director in the bracket. Nair, like Leone, is very certain of her voice and has such a distinct filmmaking style. Her filmography has phenomenal depth, but in the end this is a Sergio Leone rout. Leone is undoubtedly one to watch out for making a run in this tournament.
(2) Peter Weir vs. (7) Jia Zhangke
The Pick: Peter Weir
There are some stunning 7-seeds in this bracket and Zhangke is no exception. He was one of the most important filmmakers of his era, and has an impressively deep portfolio of hits. Weir’s much more of a fastball thrower with THE TRUMAN SHOW, DEAD POETS SOCIETY, MASTER AND COMMANDER, among others on his resume. Weir possesses more versatility than Zhangke, enough to solidify his place in the next round.
(1) Peter Jackson vs. (4) Park Chan-wook
The Pick: Park Chan-wook
In order to take down the titan Peter Jackson, you need to have one of two things. 1) A trifecta of films that matchup with the LOTR trilogy or 2) Significantly better films from 4-7 in your filmography. Park checks those boxes with HANDMAIDEN, OLDBOY, and JSA being enough to keep things competitive with LOTR, and LADY VENGEANCE + DECISION TO LEAVE bolstering him above his competition. The first 1 seed falls in Jackson, who ultimately couldn’t compete with Park on the margins (BRAINDEAD aside).
(2) Peter Weir vs. (3) Sergio Leone
The Pick: Sergio Leone
The aforementioned trilogies of Leone, along with his groundbreaking style and impact on cinema are too formidable for Weir to match up with. THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE UGLY is too much for Weir’s work to match up with and THE TRUMAN SHOW is the only film of his that touches Leone’s best.
(3) Sergio Leone vs. (4) Park Chan-wook
The Pick: Sergio Leone
Leone has more disparity and diversity in his best work than Peter Jackson. That’s where Park Chan-wook loses some ground on the director. This is such a fantastic matchup, Leone the veteran sinkerballer who can still dial it up when he needs it; Park, the junkballer, who can make things break any way he needs them to. Stylistically, the two are toe for toe, both boasting technical skillsets that are transcendent for their respective generations. Leone making the films when he made them and producing a mammoth visible influence on cinema bodes well for him in this contest. His epics move me more than the Park’s best stuff. Leone is the first to claim his place in the Final Four.